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Expert career track

Expert career track gives you the opportunity to grow within your line of business, develop specific competencies, share experiences and transfer your knowledge and skills in areas of expertise that are critical to the implementation of the company’s strategy.

The composition of experts is formed from among key employees with unique knowledge and work experience for the implementation of the main strategic tasks of the company.

Expertis a highly qualified employee recognized in the company, a bearer of deep expert knowledge and skills, and a high level of professionalism.

Each employee of Zarubezhneft who takes an active position in the work and life of the company, who is ready to share knowledge and share experience, can be nominated as an expert.

The experts can:

  • take part in all-Russian and international scientific and practical conferences, forums, congresses of the oil and gas industry, external competitions, increasing the company’s recognition among specialized enterprises;
  • carry out expert assessment and preparation of conclusions on projects and other tasks;
  • form innovative, rationalization proposals for improving the company’s production processes, implement technological solutions and organizational improvements;
  • carry out teaching activities, both within the company and outside it;
  • publish scientific and practical articles, reports, monographs.

An efficient motivation system has been developed for the experts:

1. Promotion within your expertise area with an individual approach to remuneration and the establishment of an appropriate allowance in addition to the basic salary.

Senior Expert
Chief Expert

2. Opportunity to develop professionally within your expertise area using various tools:

Participation in Russian and foreign conferences
for the exchange of experience and knowledge
Attending advanced courses
at leading universities in Russia and abroad
Support in obtaining
international certification
Priority planning of
training courses
Priority consideration
for vacancies in the framework of the rotation within the Group of Companies
key strategic competencies
company’s experts
> 50
people nominated to become experts annually
> 80
internal courses conducted by our experts on an annual basis

The company has implemented a Knowledge Management System — a unique platform, a single information space for storing, processing and searching for the necessary information for all employees of the Group of Companies, where experts exchange experience and professional knowledge.